The Power of Practical Action in a Spiritual World
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The Power of Practical Action in a Spiritual World

Hey there, Mindful Mutineers! Let’s have a little heart-to-heart about something I see all too often in our spiritual community. You know the mantra: “The universe will handle it,” “Everything will work itself out,” and my personal favorite, “Just set your intention, and it will manifest.” Now, don’t get me wrong, Iā€™m all for a…

Holistic life
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Unveiling Your Best Self ā€“ A Holistic Approach To Life And Happiness

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves living fragmented, exhausted, and unfulfilled lives. The key to breaking free from this cycle lies in creating clarity in values, embracing positive self-care practices, and embarking on a journey to discover one’s purpose. As a life coach, psychotherapist, and former CEO, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of…