
Become your best self through discovery.

Turning ADHD into Your Entrepreneurial Superpower
ADHD | Emotions | Growth | Happiness | Mental wellness | Positivity | Potential | Reality | Self-love | Skills | Superpower

Turning ADHD into Your Entrepreneurial Superpower

Do you have ADHD and dream of becoming an entrepreneur—or are you already on that path? If so, you may be wondering how to navigate the unique challenges ADHD presents while leveraging its strengths to build a successful business. As someone with ADHD who has transitioned from the corporate grind to running my own business,…

Is Quiet Quitting the New Revolution? How to Find Balance in a World Gone Mad
Growth | Happiness | Mental wellness | Patience | Positivity | Self-love

Is Quiet Quitting the New Revolution? How to Find Balance in a World Gone Mad

The teambuilding, the lies, the worthless corporate trainings, the turf guarding, the cliques, the come back to the office orders,  and the redundancy. Employees have had enough. While the overall mission may be positive, many employees feel their work is repetitive, unfulfilling, and that middle management don’t have their best interest in mind. Many of…

Elevating Consciousness: A Path to Emotional Regulation for Individuals with ADHD
ADHD | Clarity | Connection | Emotions | Growth | Happiness | Healing | Mental wellness | Purpose | Reality | Resilience | Self-love

Elevating Consciousness: A Path to Emotional Regulation for Individuals with ADHD

Living with ADHD presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to managing emotions. Emotional regulation can often feel like an uphill battle, but it’s important to remember that you have the power to rise above emotional reactivity and become the highest version of yourself. Understanding Emotional Regulation in ADHD While the intense emotions that can…

ADHD and the Power of Strategy, Organization, and Accountability
ADHD | Clarity | Connection | Growth | Healing | Mental wellness | Patience | Positivity

ADHD and the Power of Strategy, Organization, and Accountability

Living with ADHD can often feel like navigating a world designed for a different kind of brain. The constant mental chatter, impulsivity, and difficulty with focus can create challenges in many areas of life. However, by embracing strategies for organization and accountability, individuals with ADHD can unlock their full potential and thrive in all aspects…

Change | Clarity | Evolution | Growth | Potential | Reality | Reinvention | Superpower | Uncategorized

Unlocking Your Potential: Key Insights from My Conversation with Masati

Transformative moments often come from unexpected conversations. Recently on the Mindful Mutiny podcast, I had the privilege of interviewing Masati, a pioneering force in human consciousness and creator of the Xponential Intelligence Code (XI). Our discussion ventured far beyond traditional self-help territory, exploring the intersection of ancestral healing, frequency work, and consciousness expansion. What emerged…

Mindful Mutiny
Change | Clarity | Emotions | Growth | Healing | Inspiration | Patience | Purpose | Resilience | Self-love

The Road to Restoration: How My ’56 Chevy Taught Me the Power of Patience

In 2020, my dad and I embarked on a journey to restore this classic to its former glory. We envisioned cruising down the road, wind in our hair, turning heads wherever we went. But like any worthwhile endeavor, unexpected detours paved the road to restoration. My 1956 Chevy isn’t just a car – it’s a…

Riding Through Life’s Expanses: My Journey on Highway 50 and the Path Ahead
Change | Clarity | Connection | Emotions | Exercise | Growth | Happiness | Healing | Inspiration | Mental wellness | Openness | Positivity | Resilience | Self-love | Thriving | Uncategorized

Riding Through Life’s Expanses: My Journey on Highway 50 and the Path Ahead

I just returned from an unforgettable motorcycle trip on my Triumph Tiger 800, traveling through the endless, open stretches of Highway 50 in Nevada, all the way to Great Basin National Park. There’s something extraordinary about being on a motorcycle. The wind hitting your face, the rhythmic hum of the engine beneath you, and the…

Embracing Transformation Through the Psychedelic Experience: A Journey of Self-Love and Healing
Clarity | Connection | Growth | Happiness | Healing | Mental wellness | Potential | Psychedelics | Purpose | Reality | Self-love

Embracing Transformation Through the Psychedelic Experience: A Journey of Self-Love and Healing

The world of psychedelic and plant-based medicine isn’t just a domain of curiosity; it’s a realm of profound transformation and healing. Imagine, for a moment, seeing yourself from an entirely new perspective, as if viewing your life and choices from a third-person standpoint. This shift in consciousness, facilitated by the psychedelic experience, often leads to…

The Power of Practical Action in a Spiritual World
Connection | Emotions | Evolution | Happiness | healing potential: | Holistic | Inspiration | Mental wellness

The Power of Practical Action in a Spiritual World

Hey there, Mindful Mutineers! Let’s have a little heart-to-heart about something I see all too often in our spiritual community. You know the mantra: “The universe will handle it,” “Everything will work itself out,” and my personal favorite, “Just set your intention, and it will manifest.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a…

Psychedelic medicine
healing potential: | Mental wellness | Psychedelics | Resilience

The Psychedelic Renaissance – Navigating The Depths Of Ancient Wisdom For Mental Wellness

In recent years, psychedelic medicine has emerged from the shadows of counterculture into the spotlight of mainstream attention. As a life coach, psychotherapist, and former CEO deeply engaged in consciousness studies, particularly with an emphasis on psychedelic medicine, I find it crucial to delve deeper into the untapped potential and historical significance of these powerful…

Holistic life
Connection | Exercise | Goals | Happiness | Holistic | Nutrition | Purpose | Reality | Skills

Unveiling Your Best Self – A Holistic Approach To Life And Happiness

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves living fragmented, exhausted, and unfulfilled lives. The key to breaking free from this cycle lies in creating clarity in values, embracing positive self-care practices, and embarking on a journey to discover one’s purpose. As a life coach, psychotherapist, and former CEO, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of…

Evolution | Flexability | Inspiration | Positivity | Thriving | Uncertainty

Thriving In A Chaotic World – Navigating Uncertainty With Resilience

Amidst the devastation of World War II, there emerged stories of resilience that transcended the boundaries of hardship and destruction. One such compelling narrative is that of Hiroshi Yamauchi, a Japanese entrepreneur who, post-war, not only survived the tumultuous aftermath but went on to revolutionize the gaming industry. Yamauchi’s journey serves as a living testament…

ADHD Superpower
ADHD | Coaching | Potential | Superpower

ADHD Is Your Superpower – Unleashing The Limitless Potential Within

In a world that often highlights the challenges of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), it’s time to embark on a profound exploration of the untapped reservoirs of potential within the ADHD brain. With over fifteen years of experience as a Marriage and Family therapist and Life Coach, my mission is to help individuals not only…

Change | Clarity | Growth | Mental wellness | Openness | Reinvention | Resilience

Five Critical Steps To Self-Reinvention

Unstable, unpredictable, and full of unwelcome surprises. The post-pandemic economy is different in so many ways including a very difficult job market and companies downsizing. Many of these downsize efforts have created two distinctively unique situations. Firstly, there are more people looking for fewer jobs. Secondly, the brain drain this creates in companies is saddling…